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Jumat, 07 September 2012

8 Bible Verses to Encourage You

source : godlife.com by email

I've been praying and believing God for some major breakthroughs in my life for quite a while. And sometimes I get tired of waiting! I get discouraged. I start thinking that change is never going to come, that God has forgotten about me.

But it's times like these when I need to look to the truth of the Bible, and not trust my feelings. I found some scriptures on perseverance, and I am trying to memorize them and say them to myself when I start getting discouraged and impatient. If you are going through the same struggles, I hope these Bible verses will help you persevere and hold on while you're waiting for your breakthrough. It's coming!!

  1. Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. - 1 Chronicles 16:11
  2. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. - James 1:12
  3. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. - Psalm 27:14
  4. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9
  5. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. - Hebrews 10:36
  6. Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. - James 1:2-4
  7. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. - James 5:11
  8. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. - Hebrews 10:23
Which of these verses most encourages you today? Or is there another Bible verse that helps you when you feel like giving up? I would love to hear from you! Please share with us..

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

TRAPPED (Finding Freedom From Pornography)

Behind the stories :
There's a secret that many men labor to conceal. It's a secret that all age, socioeconomic, and racial boundaries. It's hiding an affair of the mind fueled by pornography. It starts with a quiet compromise. Soon, the shame and fear of being discovered, and the possibility of losing everything, including those they love, keep men from revealing their secret obsession. They're trapped and feel powerless to escape.
There is hope for someone caught in the trap of pornography. The purpose of this DVD is to expose the dangers of pornography and to offer help and way out for those caught by its seduction. You'll hear firsthand from a husband and wife and three others men who lived the nightmare and now work expose the lies of pornography and to help others by telling their stories.
Ini DVD aq yang di kasi sama RBC Indonesia gratis.

Hari ini baru ada waktu untuk nonton DVD ini. Bener-bener deh, sekali terjerat akan sangat sudah melepaskan diri, kita punya waktu sekarang untuk (bagi yang sudah terjerat) melepaskan diri. Butuh waktu dan kemauan. Kita berdoa dan minta di doakan, supaya terlepas dan jangan jatuh ke dalam dosa ini lagi.
Untuk yang belum terjerat. Kita sama-sama berdoa untuk tidak/jangan sampai jatuh kedalam dosa ini. Intinya komunikasi. Untuk yang telah berkeluarga, mintalah untuk pasangan masing-masing untuk saling terbuka. Jangan kita beri kesempatan bagi iblis untuk merasuki pikiran kita dengan hal-hal yang berbau pornografi dan membiarkan hidup berkembang dalam keluarga.

Di DVD ini ada beberapa features yang berguna untuk semua :
  • Ada dua sekuel cerita 
  • Diskusi 
  • Wawasan Bagi Pria
          Tentang ini berisi tentang berbagai macam pertanyaan yang sering timbul, yaitu :
  1. Mengapa Allah tidak menghapuskan hasrat saya terhadap pornografi? (Why doesn't God take away my desire to look at pornography?)
  2. Apakah saya sungguh ingin pulih? (Do I really want to get well?)
  3. Bagaimana saya tahu bahwa saya bermasalah dengan pornografi? (How do I know if I have a problem with looking at pornography?)
  4. Bisakah saya terbebas dari pornografi dengan usaha saya sendiri? Can I break free from pornography by my self?)
  5. Langkah apa yang bisa saya tempuh untuk mengatasi kecanduan pornografi? (What are some steps I can take to address my problem with pornography?)
  6. Apa dampak dari kecanduan pornografi terhadap istri? (What effect does my looking at pornography have on my wife?)
  7. Bagaimana membangun kembali rasa percaya istri yang telah hancur? (How can I begin to rebuild the trust I've broken with my wife?)
  8. Perlindungan atau pengamanan apa yang bisa saya pergunakan? (What protection or safeguards can I put in place?)
  9. Apa yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum memberi tahu pasangan saya? (What do I need to consider before telling my spouse?)
  10. Sebagai pria lajang, bagaimana kecanduan pornografi bisa mempengaruhi hubungan dengan calon pasangan saya? (As a single man, how can viewing pornography now effect my relationship with my future spouse?)
  11. Bagaimana kecanduan pornografi membentuk pandangan saya terhadap wanita? (How does looking at pornography shape my view of women?)
  12. Bagaimana pornografi membentuk pandangan saya terhadap maskulinitas diri saya sendiri? (How does looking at pornography shape my view of my own masculinity?)
  • Wawasan Bagi Wanita
          Sama seperti wawasan untuk pria, segmen ini membahas tentang berbagai pertanyaan yang mungkin timbul, seperti :
  1. Kenapa saya merasa begitu bingung? (Why do I feel so confused?)
  2. Apakah ada yang salah tentang diri saya? (Is there something wrong with me?)
  3. Apakah saya salah jika merasa sakit hati dan marah? (Am I wrong to feel hurt and angry?)
  4. Mungkinkah mengampuni dan mempercayai suami saya lagi? (Is it possible to forgive and trust my husband again?)
  5. Apakah hubungan saya dengan suami bisa dipulihkan? (Can my relationship with my husband be restored?)
  6. Bagaimana jika suami saya tak bersedia mengatasi masalahnya dengan pornografi? ( What if my husband is unwilling to address his problem with pornography?)
  7. Apakah saya memerlukan pertolongan untuk diri saya sendiri? (Do I need to get help for myself?)
  8. Apa kesalahan atau perangkap yang umumnya bisa menjebak saya? (What are some of the common mistakes or pitfalls that I can fall into?)
  9. Apa caya terbaik yangbisa saya lakukan untuk menolong suami saya bertanggung jawab? (Where is the best way I can help hold my husband accountable?)
  10. Dimana saya mendapatkan kedamaian dan rasa aman yang sejati? (Where do I look for ultimate peace and security?)

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

How to Get Unstuck

 "Then your light will break through like the dawn, and you will heal quickly. Your righteousness will go ahead of you, and the glory of the Lord will guard you from behind." 
Isaiah 58:8

Yesterday, on the way to church, I saw this car tailing a very slow car. He was obviously in a hurry but refused to get into the open lane next to him! I was so confounded! "Why doesn't he just change lanes?" But then I thought, Wow, I've been doing the same in my own life! There are things I so badly want, but I have been stubbornly trying to do things my own way, unwilling to get in God's lane. It's like I'm tailing a slow car in front of me, so frustrated, when there is a clear lane next to me, if I will just take it. Maybe you feel stuck too-praying for the same things for years, with zero progress.

Jesus understands that we get stuck sometimes, and He gave us the key to getting unstuck here in this story: A desperate man came to Jesus because his son was always trying to kill himself. He had actually come to Jesus' disciples earlier, but they couldn't do anything for him. So Jesus just spoke to what was troubling the boy, and he was immediately cured. But later, Jesus' disciples asked Him why they couldn't heal the boy. And what Jesus said is so interesting :
" Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." (Matthew 17:20-21)
Jesus told His disciples (us) that faith can move mountains, BUT He also said that some things will not change UNLESS you pray AND fast. So what is fasting? In a strictly food sense, fasting is not eating or drinking certain things, or at all. But in a spiritual sense, it's so much more. It's saying NO to something you normally do in order to say YES to something you really need. Fasting is the key that unlocks the doors that you can't seem to open. It's like if you have a can of milk and try to open it with a spoon, a fork, a knife: nothing works. What you need is a can-opener. Fasting is the can-opener to your answered prayer.

God Says Fasting Brings:

  • Salvation
  • Healing
  • Direction
  • Protection
  • Quick Answers to Prayer

My Story

There are a lot of things I want, but all of my efforts to find those things on my own are not working. And believe me, I've tried. So recently, when my pastor invited my church to fast together, I said yes, because quite frankly, I need help! So I have decided to give up shopping. I shop a lot. It might sound ridiculous to you, especially if you are a man; but shopping for me is a band-aid I use to comfort myself when I'm lonely or stressed; and it takes a lot of my free time. So instead, for the next 2 weeks, I am choosing to go without shopping in order to spend time with God instead. I'm going on walks to ask Him for what I need, listen to His thoughts, and tell Him mine. And I'm already feeling a difference.

What Are YOU Desperate For?

Is it healing in your family? Restoration in your marriage? Help in finances? I invite you to fast with me! What do you want to say NO to in order to say YES to what you need? Here's some examples of things you could fast: food, drinks, entertainment, negative thinking/talking, or empty social time to spend time with Him. God doesn't care about what you fast; He cares about you opening your heart to Him. Jesus said, "But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you." Matthew 6:17-18


Rabu, 25 Juli 2012


"Stop judging, and you will never be judged. Stop condemning, and you will never be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

Don't you hate being judged? I hate it too. You know, judgment is a soul toxin, maybe one of the worst.
But today, Jesus is giving you the remedy to avoid being judged, one you might not have heard. In fact, if you're like me, you might have been doing just the opposite, unknowingly heaping more and more judgment in your life. But today we can start to reverse that.

Answer This
If you were facing a trial and had the option of being either in the defendant's shoes (the one being judged) or the prosecutor's shoes (the one doing the judging), which would you choose? If you were me, you would choose the prosecutor's chair, because that is the one safe from judgment, right? WRONG. Jesus said it's actually the opposite. And I want you to read a story with me to prove it.

"The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught committing adultery. They made her stand in front of everyone and asked Jesus, 'Teacher, we caught this woman in the act of adultery. In his teachings, Moses ordered us to stone women like this to death. What do You say?' They asked this to test Him. They wanted to find a reason to bring charges against Him. Jesus bent down and used His finger to write on the ground. When they persisted in asking Him questions, He straightened up and said, "The person who is sinless should be the first to throw a stone at her." Then He bent down again and continued writing on the ground. One by one, beginning with the older men, the scribes and Pharisees left. Jesus was left alone with the woman. Then Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Where did they go? Has anyone condemned you?" The woman answered, "No one, Sir." Jesus said, "I don't condemn you either. Go! From now on don't sin." (John 8:3-11)

Let It Sink In
Imagine that you're her. Think of your worst sin, the thing you most desperately want to keep from other people. I know I have mine. Now imagine that all the authorities in your life have brought you to face your punishment before God and everyone else. 
How do you feel? Probably like me, terrified! But then instead, Jesus gets down off of the Judge's chair, walks over to your accusers, and says, "Well, which one of you are perfect? You can be the one to cast the judgment." And then one by one, they drop their charges. Then He walks over to you, and He says—and this is actually what He is saying to you now—"I don't condemn you either. Go and be free of your sin."

Judge Not, and You Will Not Be Judged
You see, out of all the people in the story with Jesus, only one received His forgiveness—the one facing judgment, not casting it. As long as you are in the judgment seat, Jesus says you are actually going to receive it the most! "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2.
It's like you are trying to dig your way out of a ditch, but with every pile of dirt you shovel out, one more is piled in. That's what happens when you judge others. In fact, Jesus goes on to say that the bad you see in others are actually your own flaws: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." Matthew 7:3-5.
It's like you were sitting in your house, noticing everyone's flaws out the window, but what you don't realize is that you're not looking at a window, but a mirror. And every judgment you cast on "others" is actually one you're casting on yourself.

The Remedy
So what's the remedy? The antidote to judgment is actually mercy.
That's what Jesus showed with the adulterous woman. Actually I shouldn't call her that; I should more rightly call her the forgiven woman. Because when she was at her lowest, Jesus showed her mercy, and it gave her forgiveness. The Bible says, "Mercy triumphs over judgment." James 2:13 
In a fighting match, mercy is stronger than judgment. So if you are feeling clogged up with judgment-for yourself and for others-God wants you to take a mercy pill. He wants you to first accept the mercy He is offering you, and then start to give it to others. He wants you to put yourself in the position of the adulterous woman and not in the position of her judges. Because as you give mercy, you will receive it in return.
Take a Mercy Pill
Take God's mercy pill today...and start to take it everyday. 
Every time you start to judge someone, just pause and take a dose of God's mercy instead. Think of how many of your flaws Jesus has forgiven. Let it flow through your soul and touch others in return. 
For example, today I was at the grocery store, and started to judge the woman in front of me. But then I started to think instead of all the good things about her, and I started to feel mercy for myself too! It's the same for you: you can start to live a life of mercy for yourself and others.

Source : ichristianlife by email

Senin, 23 Juli 2012


"Ketika jiwaku letih lesu di dalam aku, 
teringatlah aku kepada Tuhan,
dan sampailah doaku kepadaMu,
ke dalam baitMu yang kudus"
~Yunus 2:7

Cerita tentang Yunus ini sudah kita kenal semenjak kecil. Sekolah minggu sering mengajarkan cerita ini. Cerita yang terkenal karena Nabi Yunus lari dari suruhan Tuhan dan akhirnya tinggal di perut ikan besar sesuai dengan penentuan Tuhan (Yunus 1:17).

Latar belakangnya karena, Tuhan berfirman kepada Yunus untuk pergi memperingatkan kota Niniwe akan segala kesalahan mereka yang sudah terlampau besar di mata Tuhan.

Siapakah kota Niniwe ini?
Kota Niniwe ini adalah suatu kota yang besar, berpenduduk lebih dari 120.000 orang dan kaya akan ternak, tapi mereka semua tidak tahu membedakan tangan kanan dan kiri. Dalam artian, mereka tidak bisa membedakan mana yang baik dan mana yang tidak baik (Yunus 4:11).

Itulah sebabnya Tuhan menyuruh Nabi Yunus untuk memperingatkan mereka, supaya mereka bertobat sebagai tanda Tuhan mengasihi mereka dan tidak mau mereka binasa.

Tapi apa yang terjadi? Nabi Yunus ini lari dari tugasnya (Yunus 1:2). Tetapi Tuhan mengejarnya dengan mendatangkan angin ribut ke laut.
Hal ini menjadi gambaran dalam kehidupan kita.
Kita diutus Tuhan untuk menyampaikan Firman kepada orang lain, kepada keluarga kita, teman-teman, tetangga atau siapapun yang kita merasa terbeban untuk dilayani. Itu adalah tugas yang disuruhkan Tuhan.
Seringkali kita berontak, tetapi apapun itu kalau Tuhan sudah menetukan apa yang menjadi perkataanNya, kemanapun kita lari Tuhan akan mengejar kehidupan kita.

Tapi biarlah kita menyadari dan kembali. Ketika kita berada di titik keterbatasan kita. Ingatlah pada Tuhan.
Ayat Firman Tuhan ini mengajak kita untuk selalu mengingat Tuhan dan menyadari setiap keterbatasan kita.

Kalau Yunus di perhadapkan dengan ikan besar, maka kita diperhadapkan dengan masalah-masalah besar (itu kalau kita mencoba lari dari tugas yang sudah Tuhan berikan kepada kita).

Kita mengambil contoh kota Niniwe ini. Mereka menerima Firman, dan langsung bertobat, kembali kepada Tuhan, setelah mendengarkan Firman Tuhan. Sehingga mereka di jauhkan Tuhan dari murka.

Intinya sederhana, lebih baik kita menurut semua perkataan Tuhan daripada kita keras kepala dan akhirnya Tuhan mengejar kehidupan kita.

Pengkhotbah 4:17 "... Menghampiri untuk mendengar adalah lebih baik 
daripada mempersembahkan korban..."

Kembali ke Nabi Yunus, ketika Tuhan mengejar kehidupannya, dia menyadari dan tidak menyangkali, sehingga ketika di tanya oleh para awak kapal tempat dia menumpang untuk lari ke Tarsis, dia tidak menyangkalinya. 
Begitu pula ketika dia di dalam perut ikan selama tiga hari tiga malam, Nabi Yunus tidak tinggal diam saja, tapi kemudian menyadari dan berdoa mencari pertolongan kepada Tuhan.

Jadi, mari kita belajar untuk menjadi orang-orang yang menurut setiap perkataan Tuhan. Karena, sama seperti kota Niniwe, meskipun dosa mereka terlampau besar hingga sampai kepada Tuhan, Tuhan masih memberi pengasihan kepada mereka, dan karena mereka mendengar dan menurut setiap perkataan Tuhan, maka berkat Tuhan turun atas mereka. Begitu pula kita, tidak susah untuk menurut, hanya perlu ketulusan hati, karena ingatlah, meskipun kita terkadang sering tidak setia kepada Tuhan, tetapi Tuhan selalu setia dengan kehidupan kita.

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Time will tell ..

Just got this from FB Application ,.
i found it before at Ocha (my friend) page ... wkwkwk ...
its so funny ... i just want to try it too ...
and ... here is the result wahhhhh ....

Lama sekalee ... ^_^

Nevermind, it just lol appl..

I believe that everything has time from God ...
To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1
He has made everything beautiful in its time..... (10a)
 Amen for it :)

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Kisah Akhir Para Rasul

"Kalau kamu tetap bertahan, kamu akan memperoleh hidupmu."
 -Lukas 21:19

Buat yang sering merasa hidupnya tak berguna dan terlalu banyak menderita dengan segala keadaannya, sehingga memilih jalan pintas meninggalkan Tuhan, atau memilih kesenangan semu dengan meninggalkan Tuhan karena popularitas, jabatan dan harta duniawi. Coba lihat kisah akhir para Rasul, sepanjang hidup mereka sampai dengan kematian datang.
Tidak ada rasa mengeluh meski mungkin dalam hati mereka ingin berontak, tapi demi kebenaran Injil dari Tuhan, terus setia mempertahankan panggilan Tuhan sampai nafas terakhir mereka.

Rasul Petrus,
Semasa hidupnya Rasul Petrus berkhotbah Injil di Pontus, Galatia, Kapadokia, Betania, Italia, dan Asia.
Rasul yang dikenal karena pernah menyangkal Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Akhir hidupnya disalib dengan kepala kebawah di kayu salib yang berbentuk huruf X sesuai permintaan Petrus sendiri di Roma, Itali. 
Ia merasa tidak layak untuk mati dan disalib sperti Tuhan Yesus.

Rasul Andreas,
Rasul Andreas ini berkhotbah di Scythians dan Thracia. Saudara Simon Petrus ini sebelumnya didera dan diikat di kayu salib berbentuk huruf X dan tergantung selama dua hari di Patrae, Yunani dan di sana juga ia dikuburkan.
Sebelum meninggal, Andreas di siksa dengan hukum cambuk oleh tujuh tentara dan diikat di salib. Dengan cara ini mereka bisa memperpanjang masa sakit dan masa siksaan nya. Seorang pengikut Andreas yg turut menyaksikan hukuman Andreas menceritakan perkataan yang telah di ucapkan oleh Andreas sebelum meninggal dunia :
"Ternyata keinginan dan cita-cita saya bisa terkabul, dimana saya bisa turut merasakan saat bahagia dengan di siksa dan disalib seperti Yesus".
Bahkan pada saat ia disiksa pun tiada hentinya terus berkhotbah, dua hari sebelum ajalnya tiba. Berkhotbah sambil di hukum cambuk.

Rasul Yakobus anak Zebedeus,
Rasul Yakobus ini adalah Rasul yang sesuai cerita Alkitab merupakan Rasul yang pertama kali di panggil Tuhan Yesus bersama-sama dengan Rasul Petrus, Andreas dan Yohanes saudaranya (Matius 4:18-22).
Di akhir hidupnya sesuai dengan Kitab Kisah Para Rasul 12:2 dibunuh dengan pedang sesuai dengan perintah raja Herodes Agripa I di Yerusalem sebelum hari raya roti tidak beragi.
Meski mengalami masa-masa sulit dan detik-detik terakhir dalam hidupnya ia tidak pernah menyangkal Tuhan Yesus, bahkan ia berusaha untuk berkhotbah terus, bukan hanya kepada para tawanan lainnya saja, bahkan kepada orang yang menghukum dan menyiksa dia dengan kejamnya.
Sehingga akhirnya orang Romawi yang menjadi penjaga dan penyiksa dia, bisa turut bertobat. Penjaga Romawi itu mendampingi Yakobus pada saat ia dihukum penggal, bukannya sekedar hanya untuk turut menyaksikannya saja, melainkan juga untuk turut dihukum dan dipenggal bersama dengan Yakobus.

Rasul Yohanes saudara Yakobus,
Rasul Yohanes ini mencapai usia lanjut dan satu-satunya rasul yang meninggal dengan tenang di Efesus, Turki.
Tapi walaupun demikian ia juga pernah merasakan digoreng di dalam bak minyak mendidih di Roma namun keajaiban terjadi. sehingga walaupun ia telah di goreng hidup-hidup, ia bisa hidup terus. Tetapi akhir nya ia dibuang dah diasingkan ke pulau PATMOS untuk kerja paksa di tambang batubara. Pada saat ia berada di sana, ia mendapatkan wahyu sehingga ia bisa menulis kitab WAHYU.

Rasul Filipus,
Akhir hidup Rasul Filipus disesah, dipenjarakan, dan kemudian disalibkan di Heliopolis, Frigia karena menginjil dan dikuburkan disitu.

Rasul Bartolomeus,
Rasul Bartolomeus adalah Rasul yang pertama kali yang mengaku bahwa Kristus itu adalah Anak Allah (Yohanes 1:49). Rasul Bartolomeus menjadi pekabar Injil di tanah Asia, antara lain ia memberikan kesaksian di Turki.
Akhir hidupnya dipukuli / dicambuk sampai kulitnya terlepas (dikuliti), dan disalibkan dengan kepala ke bawah di India atau Armenia.

Rasul Thomas,
Meski dalam cerita Alkitab diceritakan kalau Thomas adalah murid Tuhan Yesus yang paling meragukan kebangkitan Kristus. Namun, setelah itu Kristus juga muncul kepadanya dan Thomas percaya sampai mati. Thomas kemudian disegel segala kesaksiannya dan akhir hidup Rasul Thomas dorong dan dengan pinus ditombak, disiksa, dibakar hidup-hidup.

Matius pemungut cukai,
Rasul Matius akhir hidupnya mati disiksa dan dibunuh dengan pedang di Nadabah, Etiopia.

Yakobus anak Alfeus,
Rasul Yakobus adalah pemimpin Gereja Yerusalem. Pada akhir hidupnya saat sedang berkhotbah dia dipukul, dilempari batu dan dijatuhkan dari atas bubungan Bait Allah tempat Tuhan Yesus dicobai di Yerusalem, dan dikuburkan di situ di samping Bait Allah.

Tadeus atau Yudas (bukan Iskariot),
Yudas saudara nya dari Tuhan Yesus di hukum mati dengan panah, karena ia tidak bersedia untuk mengingkari Yesus.
Ada juga yang menceritakan bahwa dia disalibkan di Edessa, Yunani.

Simon orang Zelot,
Simon adalah seorang fanatik Yahudi yang berusaha untuk mengatur rakyatnya bebas dari penindasan Romawi. Setelah dia melihat dengan mata sendiri bahwa Kristus telah bangkit, ia menjadi fanatik Injil.
Para sejarawan menceritakan tentang berbagai tempat Rasul Simon menyatakan kabar baik tentang Kristus di Mesir, Kirene, Afrika, Mauritania, Inggris, Libya, dan Persia.
Akhir hidupnya diceritakan disalibkan oleh gubernur di Suriah (di Britania, Eropa)

Yudas Iskariot,
Rasul yang dikenal karena menjual Tuhan Yesus ini akhir hidupnya mati gantung diri di luar Yerusalem.

Rasul Matias,
Rasul yang mengabarkan injil di tanah Ethiopia. Rasul Matias dipilih untuk sebagai pengganti Yudas Iskariot akhir hidupnya mati dengan cara dirajam dan dipenggal kepalanya di Yerusalem.

Rasul Paulus,
Rasul Paulus, dirinya penganiaya iman Kristen (Galatia 1:13), dibawa ke pertobatannya pada saat perjalanan ke Damaskus saat akan pergi menangkap dan membawa para pengikut Tuhan untuk dibawa ke Yerusalem yang kemudian akan disiksa (Kisah Para Rasul 9).
Akhir hidupnya Rasul Paulus di siksa dgn sangat kejam dan akhir nya di penggal kepala nya oleh Kaisar Nero di Roma pd thn 67. Pasul Paulus adalah yang paling lama mengalami masa siksaaan di penjara. Kebanyakan surat-surat dari dia di buat dan di kirim dari penjara.

Nah, ga ada lagi alasan buat ngeluh saat ikut Tuhan.

Memang terkadang jalan terasa berbatu dan terjal, tapi percayalah, siapa yang setia sampai akhir dialah yang akan menerima mahkota keselamatan.
Begitu pula sebaliknya siapa yang meninggalkan mata air hidup, namanya akan tersurat di tanah.

#disadur dari berbagai sumber


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