Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Keledai Muda

Markus 11 : 2 – 3, “.. Pergilah ke kampung yang di depanmu itu. Pada waktu kamu masuk kesitu, kamu akan segera menemukan seekor keledai muda tertambat, yang belum pernah ditunggangi orang. Lepaskanlah keledai itu dan bawalah kemari. Dan jika ada orang mengatakan kepadamu : Mengapa kamu lakukan itu, jawablah : Tuhan memerlukannya.. “

Dari hal kerajaan sorga dalam Alkitab banyak dikisahkan dengan perumpaan, namun kali ini kita berbicara mengenai proses bagaimana Tuhan memakai anak-anak muda pada waktu akhir zaman.
Sebagian besar orang tidak akan mengerti apa hubungan ayat ini dengan anak-anak muda, atau hubungannya dengan akhir zaman, atau bagaimana bagaimana prosesnya.
Perikop ini diberi judul keledai muda karena sesuai dengan pembacaan Alkitab yaitu tentang ketika Yesus datang ke yerusalem pada kali terakhir sebelum dia ditangkap memakai keledai muda.

Keledai muda ini adalah gambaran anak-anak Tuhan (anak-anak muda).
Pertanyaan yang muncul sekarang, kenapa Tuhan memakai keledai dan bukan kuda atau binatang-binatang gagah lainnya?
Begini, ada beberapa sifat keledai yang pada umumnya kita tahu (kita mendengar dengan telinga rohani, karena segala sesuatu di dalam Alkitab adalah rohani).
1. Bodoh
Memang benar, keledai itu binatang yang bodoh, dan karena kebodohannya itu keledai ini menjadi penurut. Anak muda Tuhan sebaiknya pun punya sifat ini, tapi dalam hal ini tentunya yang dimaksud adalah bodoh dalam dosa. Banyak hal sekarang ditawarkan dunia bagi anak-anak Tuhan, keindahan dunia beserta isinya, hirup pikuk kesenangan yang tidak habis-habisnya. Sebaiknya kita memang bodoh dalam hal itu.

2.Tajam Pendengaran
Keledai itu biasanya punya pendengaran/insting yang tajam, ketika mungkin diperhadapkan dengan bahaya, dia pasti akan menghindar.
Waktu Sekolah Minggu kita pasti pernah mendengar cerita tentang Bileam dan Keledainya. (Bilangan 22:1-35). Keledai Bileam ini adalah satu-satunya binatang di dalam Alkitab yang diceritakan bisa berbicara (ay 28). Tuhan memakai mulut Keledai ini untuk mengingatkan Bileam akan kesalahannya.
Sebagai anak Tuhan, kita perlu juga punya pendengaran tajam terhadap segala maksud Tuhan di dalam kehidupan kita. Ketika diperhadapkan masalah, kadang kita menganggap itu suatu kesalahan, tapi kita pakai firman Tuhan untuk belajar memahami apa maksud Tuhan.
Dalam Kitab Samuel pun diceritakan tentang bagaimana Tuhan memanggil Samuel pada waktu dia masih muda (baca 1 Samuel 3:1-21). Masih banyak juga cerita dalam Alkitab bagaimana Tuhan memakai anak muda untuk berkarya bagi Dia.

3. Dengar-Dengaran/Penurut
Keledai adalah sejenis kuda yang biasa dipakai zaman dahulu sebagai alat transportasi dsb karena keledai ini sangat jinak. Selain jalannya lamban karena harus menanggung beban, keledai ini juga biasanya penurut dan dengar-dengaran terhadap perintah tuannya.
Anak muda Kristen juga sebaiknya menjadi anak yang dengar-dengaran. Terhadap orang tua terlebih terhadap keinginan Tuhan dengan hidupnya. Banyak sekali dijumpai anak muda yang suka sekali melawan/membangkang terhadap orang tua. Hal ini dikarenakan banyak hal, diantaranya karena lingkungan dan pendidikan. Lingkungan yang baik secara otomatis memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap anak, begitu pula sebaliknya. Pendidikan juga perlu karena menentukan karakter dan sikap anak terhadap orang sekitarnya, termasuk orang tua. Didikan yang baik membuat anak menjadi penurut dan hormat terhadap orang tua. Terlebih kita hormat kepada Tuhan.

4. Menanggung Beban
Pada zaman dulu, keledai biasanya dipakai orang untuk mengangkut beban ketika melakukan suatu perjalanan jauh.
Kata Tuhan berkata, jikalau kita mau mengikut Dia, kita harus sangkal diri dan pikul salib tiap-tiap hari (Matius 16:24). Bagaimana caranya sangkal diri dan pikul salib? Yaitu dengan cara kita banyak duduk diam di kaki Tuhan, berdoa dan berpuasa.
Banyak orang yang mungkin dulunya sebelum mengikut Tuhan hidupnya berkelimpahan dan sangat diberkati, tetapi ketika mengikut Tuhan kehidupannya berubah. Itulah proses Tuhan, banyak yang mengeluh, tapi itulah cara Tuhan. Maukah kita menanggung beban tiap hari? Itu jawabannya ada pada diri kita masing-masing.

Berkaca dari kehidupan Ayub. Dalam Ayub 1 dijelaskan bahwa Ayub adalah orang terkaya dari semua orang yang ada di timur, orang yang benar dimata Tuhan dan tidak berbuat dosa (Ayub 1:1-3). Dalam keadaan dia diijinkan Tuhan untuk dicobai iblis hidupnya tetap pada Tuhan walaupun dia mengalami kekecewaan karena ditinggal keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya.

Ayub 7:1 berkata, “Bukankah manusia harus bergumul di bumi, dan hari-harinya seperti hari-hari orang upahan?”
Kita pun seharusnya memang berhati besar seperti Ayub, segala sesuatu yang baik kita terima dari Tuhan, tetapi segala proses Tuhan pun kita harus hadapi dengan hati bersyukur (Ayub 2:10).

Sekarang ada pertanyaan lagi, kenapa anak muda yang dipilih? Mengapa bukan orang tua? Apakah nanti hanya anak muda yang diselamatkan Tuhan pada waktunya nanti?
Begini, mengapa anak muda yang dipilih Tuhan?
Karena anak muda adalah tulang punggung gereja, orang tua biasanya dalam organisasi gereja disebut dengan tua-tua sidang, dan yang menjalankan segala sesuatu adalah orang muda.
Secara fisik pun, orang muda masih bertenaga dan lebih kuat kemampuan daripada orang tua. Namun dalam hal ini, bukan berarti pekerjaan Tuhan milik orang muda saja, tapi siapa saja, selama kita mampu memberikan waktu dan tenaga untuk mau dipakai Tuhan itulah yang disebut keledai muda. Kita semualah orang-orang muda di dalam Tuhan.
Kisah Para Rasul 2:17-18, sangat jelas kalau Tuhan akan mencurahkan RohNya kepada semua manusia, termasuk orang tua dan anak muda sehingga mereka akan bernubuat, melihat penglihatan-penglihatan dan mendapat karunia mimpi (yang tentu saja mimpi-mimpi yang rohani).

Berikutnya, timbul pertanyaan apa sebenarnya yang menjadi tugas kita? Tuhan memilih kita untuk tugasNya yang mulia, apakah itu yang sebenarnya?
Banyak orang berprinsip, ketika kita mengenal Tuhan memberi diri lahir baru dan beriman, melakukan perbuatan yang baik, kita sudah tentu diselamatkan.
Itu tidak salah, ketika kita mengenal Tuhan hal pertama yang kita lakukan adalah bertobat dan menyesali semua perbuatan kita, member diri lahir baru lewat baptisan itupun benar, karena Tuhan sendiri pun memberi contoh yang demikian (baca Matius 3:13-17) karena lewat baptisan kita menguburkan segala dosa lama dan membebaskan kita dari kutuk dosa. Ingat firman Allah berkata setiap orang yang tidak lahir baru, melihat Kerajaan Allah saja tidak berlayak (Yohanes 3:3), apalagi masuk kedalamnya (Yohanes 3:5).

Banyak orang akan menentang hal ini, tapi Firman Tuhan itu Ya dan Amin. Berbuat baik, itu sudah kewajiban. Semua orang benar beriman pasti berbuat baik, tapi tidak semua orang baik itu beriman. Titus 3 :5 menjelaskan bahwa kita diselamatkan Dia bukan karena perbuatan baik yang telah kita lakukan. Jadi berbuat baik saja tidak cukup. Ingat itu.

Jadi apa tugas utama kita ?
Keseluruhan Kitab mengajarkan apa yang yang menjadi tugas dan tanggung jawab kita terhadap pelayanan kita terhadap Tuhan. Memang mengikut Tuhan tidak selalu dalam keadaan senang, tapi lihat dan peganglah terus janji Tuhan, dalam masa muda kita ada baiknya kita member dir untuk pelayanan, kita bersaksi dimana saja kita bias bersaksi bagikan Firman, Tuhan sudah memberikan kita talenta kita masing-masing. Mungkin ada yang merasa malu dan canggung karena tidak pintar berkata-kata atau takut di dera karena memberitakan injil.
Satu hal yang selalu menjadi pegangan kita Rasul Paulus berkata dalam 2 Timotius 1:7-8 “Sebab Allah memberikan kepada kita bukan roh ketakutan, melainkan roh yang membangkitkan kekuatan, kasih dan ketertiban. Jadi janganlah malu bersaksi tentang Tuhan kita..”

Masih kurang? Lukas 21:17-19, kita akan dibenci banyak orang karena Tuhan, tapi biarpun demikian asalkan kita tetap bertahan, sehelai rambut dari kepala kita pun tidak akan jatuh kalau tidak diijinkan Tuhan. Dalam artian kita mendapat full perlindungan dari Tuhan.

Jadi, sudah siapkah kita jadi keledai muda akhir zaman? Jika iya persiapkan dirimu untuk itu.
Jangan biarkan hidup kita berlalu dengan percuma. Ingat selalu pesan untuk orang muda dalam Pengkhotbah 11:9 hidup dalam kesenangan dunia yg berakhir pada kesia-siaan. Jangan pula kita menjadi seperti anak muda kaya yang bodoh (Matius 19:16-26). Jangan pula kita menjadi seperti 5 anak gadis yang bodoh (Matius 25:1-13). Tetapi kita siapkan diri kita untuk masuk dalam pekerjaanNya yang besar nanti, yaitu masa penuaian akhir dan kita akan memperoleh setiap upah kita masing-masing untuk itu.

Matius 5 :11-12 “Berbahagialah kamu, jika karena Aku kamu dicela dan dianiaya dan kepadamu difitnahkan segala yang jahat. Bersukacitalah karena upahmu besar di sorga…”

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Savior of My Soul

Dalam naungan Mu,jiwa ku berlindung
Kau Tuhan penolongku dimasa kesesakan

Dalam rencana Mu,ku berserah penuh
Kau Tuhan penyediaku dimasa kekurangan

Hanya pada Mu ku temukan ada keselamatan bagiku
Atas tubuh jiwa roh ku,
Dan segala milikku
Hanya pada Mu, ku berlindung
Tuhan Yesus juru selamatku
untuk selamanya ku akan menyembahMu

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Friends are Friends Forever (Free Lirik)

Friends Are Friends Forever
by: Michael W. Smith.

Packing up the dreams God planted
In the fertile soil of you
I can't believe the hopes He's granted
Means a chapter of your life is through

But we'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

And with the faith and love God's given
Springing from the hope we know
We will pray the joy you live in
Is the strength that now you show

We'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

To live as friends

Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

No a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends


Raihlah janji yang Tuhan bri
Di dalam hatimu yang suci
Serasa aku tak percaya
Harapan Dia beri dalam hidupku

Kita slalu berdekatan
Tak terasa kini kan berpisah
Kesatuan hati yang terbuka
yang membuat kita kuat

Persahabatan kan kekal
Bila Yesus beserta
Persahabatan tak kenal
perasaan kecewa
Sampai waktunya tiba
pulang ke rumah Bapa
Waktu hidup tak panjang

Selasa, 29 November 2011

a Gift

The world is waiting for you to give your gifts — don’t bury them!
So... What talents do you have? And are you hiding them out of fear?
No matter what, God has given you something — and He wants you to use it!
“God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another” (1 Peter 4:10).

Selasa, 22 November 2011

How to be a CAUSE for Thanksgiving‏

“When you produce much fruit, you are My true disciples.
This brings great glory to My Father”
(John 15:8)

Did you know that one small act from you could CHANGE someone’s LIFE? When I was a teenager, hard-hearted toward God, a Christian told me he was praying for me and that God had a great plan for my life. I had thought God wanted nothing to do with me, and that man told me it couldn’t be further from the truth. That small seed of hope grew into a tree of faith that completely changed my life. I am so thankful to Mark Coffin for showing me Jesus’ love.

When you show God’s love to someone, you are planting a seed in their life—and the potential is tremendous. Jesus said His kingdom is “like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants” (Mark 4:31,32). Like Mark with me, your small act of kindness could change someone’s eternal destiny. Take a moment to think about someone who needs encouragement and how you could show God’s love to them.

Unimaginable Impact
Now, imagine you were not alone in showing Jesus’ love, but joined with Christians all around the world. It’s the difference between one person planting a fruit tree in their yard and a person on every street doing it. If we all joined together, the world could be full of life.

What if we could link the 1-2 billion Christians to do united acts of God’s love to those around us, everyday? That is the vision behind JET: Jesus, Everywhere, Together. Through Facebook and Twitter (each hotlinks), we will be sending you JET moments. It might be a call to pray for your neighbor, or a prompt to tell someone about Jesus’ love. We will join together all around the world to do them and update each other on our stories. Jesus said to us, “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14). Imagine how much light in the world we can produce if we all band together!

Senin, 14 November 2011

Gift from God

source by email
“Whoever has will be given more;
whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him”
(Mark 4:25)

Have you ever thrown money away?
Sometimes I see small coins lying around the house and want to throw them away, just for a cleaning quick-fix. However, I recently found out that it is illegal to permanently discard or destroy money!

Did you know it’s illegal in God’s Kingdom too?
But your currency isn’t paper bills or coins: it’s your gifts and abilities. Jesus told a story about three servants who were given different amounts of money by their master.
The two with the most invested it and gained more, but the one with the least hid it in the ground out of fear. When the master returned, he congratulated and promoted the two profitable servants, but said about the scared servant, “Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him” (Matthew 25:28,29).

What talents do you have?
And are you hiding them out of fear? No matter what, God has given you something—and He wants you to use it! “God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another” (1 Peter 4:10).
The greatest use of any gift is to bring glory to God so that others will want to know Him. Jesus said, “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Here are some possible talents He might have given you:
- Exhortation
- Giving
- Leadership
- Mercy
- Prophecy
- Service
- Teaching
Your gifts could also be in the form of art, music, communication, education, or connections.

Do you need help figuring out how to use your gift?
First of all, ask God because He wants to help you. But secondly, we want to help you too! Respond to this e-mail and ask for guidance from an Online Missionary on how to use your gifts.
The goal is that, at the end of days, Jesus would say to you: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!”
The world is waiting for you to give your gifts—don’t bury them!

So, let’s pray that:
- We would know how God has gifted us individually
- We would have courage to step out and use our gifts
- We would use our gifts to benefit the world

Senin, 07 November 2011

The Greatest Gift You Can Give God‏

source by email

Scripture : “You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one. You do not want a burnt offering. The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God” (Psalm 51:16,17)

So : God has saved you from Hell, freed you from judgment for all your sins, given His wonderful Spirit to live inside of you, and is preparing a place for you in Heaven. This probably makes you want to say “Thank you!” However…

What do you get for the person who has everything?
If you’ve ever tried to find a gift for someone who already has it all, you know how hard it can be. Now what about for God? He said, “For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10). All the cattle on a thousand hills—that’s hard to beat!

But this reminds me of when I was a little girl.
There was nothing of any material value I could give my dad to show my love; I didn’t have any money! So I gave what I could: cards telling him how much I love him; pictures I painted for him; “coupons” to spend time with me; and kindness to my brother. These things meant more to him than anything I could ever buy. In fact, to this day, he still has some of the things I made him, and when asked what he wants for his birthday, he says, “Peace at home.”

God is the same way.
King David said to God, “You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one. You do not want a burnt offering. The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God” (Psalm 51:16,17). What He really wants is heartfelt love from you and care for others. Just like my handmade cards and pictures, here are gifts that God loves:
  • Tell Him how much You Love and Appreciate Him : God said, “But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me” (Psalm 50:23). That’s what I was doing when I drew my dad little cards expressing my love.
  • Spend Time with Him : “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). God wants to spend time with you just like my dad loves to spend time with me!
  • Do What He Asks : Jesus said, “If you love Me, obey My commandments” (John 14:15). Would you believe your friend loved you if you always did things that he hated?
  • Care for Others : Jesus said, “The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me'” (Matthew 25:40). When you do something kind for someone else, it’s like you’re doing it for Jesus.
  • Live in Peace with Others : “Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose” (Philippians 2:2). Just like my dad wants peace at home, God wants peace amongst His children. Show Him your love by being kind and forgiving towards others.
These are just a few ways to show God how much you love and appreciate Him
What’s your way? Just like my dad loved my little pictures and gifts, God loves the unique way you show Him your love. Let us know how you show your love to God!

So, this week, let’s pray that:
  • We would truly realize how much God has done for us
  • We would show Him our love for Him and bring Him happiness
  • We would be full of gratitude for what God has done for us
“Heavenly Father, I want to know u more, to serve u more and more”

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Find Where You Belong‏

source by email
“And now that you belong to Christ,
you are the true children of Abraham.
You are His heirs, and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you”
(Galatians 3:29)

Now that you believe in Jesus, where do you belong?
Think about the difference between a sports fan and an actual player on the team. The fan gets to cheer from the sidelines, but a player gets to experience the game. He trains with the team, gets deep camaraderie, and feels the amazing joy of winning. When the first believers put their faith in Jesus, they formed an incredible community, much like a team: “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer” (Acts 2:42).

God has a place for you to belong on the team.
He wants you to experience the fulfillment of deep friendship with other believers, the training from spiritual coaches, and the joy of winning as a team. I remember how intensely my life changed when I became a part of a church: I went from being a casual believer on the sidelines to being a full participant in the game, and my joy level went from 0 to 100. Now I want the same for you!

Here are some ways that you can belong and experience the amazing joy of being on a team :
  • Join a Church : Meeting with a local group of believers will give you the amazing benefits of a spiritual family.
  • Join a Bible Study : Study the Bible, ask questions, and pray together in an online small group.
  • Join Chapel : Join with other believers anytime to worship and learn about Jesus. Inspiring worship music, great preaching, and live prayer.
Hopefully these opportunities are helpful to you!

So, let’s pray together that:
  • We would find other Christians to join together with
  • We would help newer believers grow in their faith in God

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Take Up Your Mat and Walk

"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him, as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us" (Psalm 103:11-12)

Have you ever had a friend say sorry to you over and over, even after you’ve already forgiven them?
It’s insulting. In repeatedly apologizing, they’re saying, “I’m not sure if you’ve really forgiven me; I still feel guilty.” In essence, they’re doubting your word.

Imagine how much more insulting it is to God!
Psalm 103:12 says, “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” Just think how far the east is from the west. It’s basically infinity—the two can never meet. So, imagine for a moment, you and your sins bound together. Then God comes and separates the two of you, sending your sin traveling to the west and you to the east. But maybe you haven’t truly let go of your guilt.

Look what Jesus did:
“Some people brought to Him a paralyzed man on a mat. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, ‘Be encouraged, My child! Your sins are forgiven.’ But some of the teachers of religious law said to themselves, ‘That’s blasphemy! Does He think He’s God?’ Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He asked them, ‘Why do you have such evil thoughts in your hearts? Is it easier to say ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Stand up and walk’? So I will prove to you that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins.’ Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said, ‘Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!’ And the man jumped up and went home!” (Matthew 9:2-7).

Now, say the newly-healed man went home with his mat and laid on it, continuing to live like he was still paralyzed.
That’s what you might be doing with your sins! Jesus has said to you, “My child, be encouraged! Your sins are forgiven! Now get up and experience life in freedom!” But you can’t fully believe it, so you lay back down on your mat of paralysis and depression, missing out on what God has for you. I have been like that. But God is making this verse real to me: “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free” (John 8:36).

And He wants to make it real for you.
Ask Him right now to help you truly know that your sins are forgiven. Ask Him to help you take up your mat and walk in the fulfilling life He has for you. There is so much He has planned for you to do! Today is the day for you to take up your mat and walk.

So, let’s pray that :
  • We would experience true separation from our past.
  • We would take up our mat and walk in God’s great will.
  • We begin to run with the vision God has given us.

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

What Beats Cause and Effect?

source by email

“But God showed His great love for us
by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners”
(Romans 5:8)

They say “What comes around goes around.”
That describes the law of Cause and Effect. The Bible says it another way: “A man reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7). What have you been sowing? Peace, love, and kindness—all of the time? If so, you’re in luck.
But if not, what fate awaits you? This is a tricky one, for the biblical principle of sowing and reaping still stands. However, there is a higher law

Forgiveness trumps Cause and Effect—every time.
When Jesus was hanging on the cross—mid-crucifixion—He said to God on your behalf, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing” (Luke 23:34).
Can you believe it? It’s hard enough for me to forgive someone after they’ve hurt me, let alone while they are doing it. But in the middle of crucifixion, being tortured and killed as the Son of God for coming to save His own people, Jesus stands in the gap and tells God: I’m asking you not to hold it against them; they don’t know what they’re doing.

If you’re banking on your deeds to save you or condemn you, think again:
The fact is, you have not done more good than bad: quite the opposite. And if you’re hoping your good deeds are going to set you up for a good afterlife, guess again. Concerning Cause and Effect, we all deserve
Hell. That is the proper application of “What comes around goes around.” But there’s a higher law—Jesus’ law of love and forgiveness. The Bible says, “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). When He died for you, His sacrifice stretched over your sins and covered them completely, like a thick blanket.

Jesus completely absorbed your punishment. In doing so He wasn’t saying, “Oh, no more sowing and reaping; that rule is getting tossed out.” Instead, He said, “I’m going to take their punishment.
They’re going to get the positive consequences for my perfect actions (Heaven) and I’m going to take the dreadful consequences for their actions (crucifixion).” He took your Cause and Effect and gave you His instead.

Now, who do you need to forgive? Jesus said it plainly, “But if you do not forgive, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins” (Mark 11:26). By holding on to a grudge, you’re disqualifying yourself from Jesus’ forgiveness. Instead of holding a grudge, let someone have the grace Jesus gave you. Say, “Father forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing, just as I don’t. Thank you so much for forgiving me.”

Forgiveness is the greatest need in the world. Today, receive God’s gift of forgiveness to you and give it to someone else.

So, let’s pray together that:
  • We would truly understand how forgiven we are

  • We would truly forgive others from the heart

  • Global Media Outreach would help many others experience Jesus’ forgiveness

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

What's your Worst-case Scenario?

source by email

“Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.
Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.
His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus”
(Philippians 4:6,7).

Today I want you to think about the worst thing that could happen in your life. Is it sickness? Bankruptcy? Loneliness? Normally I like to talk about nice things, but I want to share with you how God has been helping me with my worry. You see, I worry a lot. And most of my worries never come true.

But say the worst of the worst happened, whatever that is for you. There are a few things you can know will never be affected, no matter what goes wrong:

  • God will still be glorified: “’As surely as I live,' says the LORD, ‘every knee will bend to Me, and every tongue will confess and give praise to God'" (Romans 14:11)

  • God will never leave you: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5)

  • Jesus will never stop loving you: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39)

So I’d like you to do this exercise with me. Fill in the blank with your worst worry and say out loud: “If God wants to glorify Himself through _______________, then so be it. He will never leave me, abandon me, or take His love away from me. And I will arrive at the End of Days with Jesus in Heaven.”

Because that is the ultimate worst-case scenario: that you would arrive at the Day of Judgment and not be admitted into Heaven. But Jesus has promised you: “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from Me” (John 10:27,28).

What are you worrying about today? Give it to God. This is how I do it: I imagine my worry as a ball that I throw to God for Him to deal with. I Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” Sometimes I have to throw my worry ball to Him just once; sometimes once an hour. But He always gives me His peace in exchange. And He will do the same for you.

So, let’s pray together that:

  • We would completely give all our worries over to God and receive His peace

  • We would rest in the knowledge that He will ultimately be glorified

  • We would completely give God all our worries

Every time you worry this week, throw your worry ball to God.
Thank Him that He will never leave you, and ask for His peace.

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

God Wants to Renew His Vows‏

source by email

“’For the mountains may move and the hills disappear,
but even then my faithful love for you will remain.
My covenant of blessing will never be broken,’
says the LORD, who has mercy on you”
(Isaiah 54:10).

Have you ever seen a married couple renew their vows? It’s so beautiful. After years of hardships, things not going the way they thought, and weird traits they didn’t know about, they still say: I’d do it all over again. I’d marry you a million times over.

That’s what God says to you today. He knows all the sins you’ve committed—and all the ones you’re going to commit. He knows all the things you didn’t do just how He wanted and how you will resent and misunderstand Him at times. And He still says to you: I love you today like I did yesterday. And I’d die for you all over again. I don’t regret it one bit. “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love; with unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself” (Jeremiah 31:3).

I was the person Jesus was talking to when He said, “You say, 'I am rich. I have everything I want. I don't need a thing!' And you don't realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me--gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see” (Revelation 3:17,18).

And now He wants to hear it from you. Think how much a person wants to hear “I love you too” when they confess their own love. Would you tell Him that you would do it all over again—even though things haven’t gone the way you planned, and maybe He hasn’t answered your every prayer just how you wanted? Maybe even God is different than you imagined Him…would you still commit your whole life to Him again today? In fact, will you do it today?

Renew your Vows with God today. Maybe circumstances have caused you to drift from God. It’s not to late to return. He says, “Return to Me, and I will return to you” (Malachi 3:7). No matter what has happened in your past, God has a wonderful plan for your future. Right after He said, “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love; with unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself”, He said, “I will rebuild you, My virgin Israel. You will again be happy and dance merrily with your tambourines” (Jeremiah 31:4).

God wants to rebuild you and your relationship with Him. He renews His vows with you today and is waiting for you to do the same. He longs to hear from you, “God, I’d do it all over again. I love you today and I will never take back my commitment to you.”

So, let us pray that:

  • We would understand and feel God’s great love for us

  • We would get a fresh love and passion for God

  • We would hear what God wants us to do

Selasa, 27 September 2011

If your House was Robbed Today...‏

“For it is by grace you have been saved,
through faith; and this is the gift of God,
not by works, that no one should boast”
(Ephesians 2:8,9)

I want you to imagine that your house is being robbed, but you put your most valuable asset in a safe. What is that asset? It might be expensive jewelry, family photos, or the deed to your land. You can rest assured that even if you are robbed, your most valuable asset will stay safe.

Think about it spiritually now. What is your most valuable spiritual asset? For a while, I had everything backwards. I thought my prayer life, Bible reading, and church attendance gave me my value as a Christian. But I thought very little about Jesus’ sacrifice for me and how He gave me righteousness I could never get otherwise. It was as if I was appraising my home and put high value on all of the insignificant items like vases and pictures and minimal value on the important things like the walls and foundation.

I was the person Jesus was talking to when He said, “You say, 'I am rich. I have everything I want. I don't need a thing!' And you don't realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me--gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see” (Revelation 3:17,18).

Jesus’ righteousness is the most valuable item I have. And it’s the most valuable item you have. He paid for it with His life and gave it to you free of charge. And God has locked it in your spiritual safe; He will never take it away. Jesus said, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me” (John 10:28). Your Bible knowledge, service at church, or your good deeds can fade away; but no one can take Jesus’ righteousness from you. And it is the only thing you need. It will carry you through this life and into Heaven.

Paul said, “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord” (I Corinthians 1:31). Do this with me right now: Close your eyes and imagine a bar of gold (representing Jesus’ righteousness) locked in your safe. Pray aloud, “Thank you Jesus that all I have is Your righteousness, and no one can take it from me.

Senin, 19 September 2011

Become a Happier Christian

Are emotions ruling in your life?

Many of us go through the motions of life and can’t seem to find true happiness. Where does this bliss come from? Does it come from some big promotion or vicariously living through a celebrity on Twitter or Facebook? When it ends, do you find yourself craving more stuff to feel better or ignite those good ol' happy feelings?

If we are honest with ourselves, we are all guilty.

Regardless of the vice, the buzz of euphoric joy usually dissipates after we receive good news or when we finally get our breakthrough. What happens when you feel like heaven is silent or you are on a emotional roller coaster when plans are derailed? During that time we need the Word to sustain us, when our feelings won’t cooperate and want to flare up when nothing is going right.

You were meant to be more than a mere survivor, right? So let’s get on with it! Here are a few simple and practical ways to become a happier Christian.

Help Me, I Need a Break!

Not everyone can hop on a plane to get away from the hassles of life.
It’s even harder when it’s you that you need to get away from! If your thoughts go from zero to 60 in seconds, find a scripture that speaks to you and mediate on it.
Post-it Notes are great way to do this. Post the scripture everywhere you can.
When I was in need of peace of mind, I posted a favorite scripture on the dashboard of my car, phones, mirror and even put a note with it in my purse.
The constant reflection of scriptures of your choice will sink into your spirit and take root when those thoughts come knocking and work to sour your emotions. Take a walk and think on the scripture(s).
The local park is a great place for a quick gateway and where nature can sooth emotional flare-ups.

Give it up and Rejoice

When you have done all you can in your circumstances--give it up to God.

This is so hard because we want to take control, but laying your prayers down will give you a sense of release and that God is the author of your story.

Speak the Word of God over your life out loud. “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). The scripture in Philippians 4:19 has also helped me.

I would speak this frequently over my life and throughout my day such as:

"This world doesn’t dictate whether my needs are met.

They are met according to the riches and glory by Christ Jesus (paraphrased).

I don’t care what my bank account says

and I don’t care what the economists say “Greater is He in me than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

My God is greater than these circumstances!

Take the Social Media Break

Shut the computer off and fast social media for a while.
Yes you can do this!
With so much vying for your attention,
unplugging for a time will help you invest in other things like God, friends, family and yourself.

Share The Love

Ouch! Give of yourself a little more? You have to be kidding?
As hard as this is, getting your mind off of yourself and serving others will make you feel better.
Try a simple act of sowing a seed into another person's life.
Maybe you can pay for a single mom’s groceries, buying someone a gas card,
or giving a word of encouragement--it will get your mind off your own worries.
When you meet another persons needs, God will meet yours. Yes, you will feel better.

A Little Prose

You don’t have to be a poet to write down your struggles or thoughts on paper.
Don’t hold anything back. Use colored markers.
The different colors often depict the emotions you are feeling.
Releasing anxiety through a rant book, I call it; can help you be honest with yourself and God.
This is another good way for you to reflect on how God has answered your prayers over time.
Then go back in your writings and put the date God answered those prayers.

It will encourage you when you’re feeling bewildered.

Morning Prayer

Building a deeper relationship with God takes time.
Morning time reflection is a great way to spend time reading and praying.
It’s worth getting up a little earlier to build yourself up before starting your day.
A nice cup of coffee or tea and reading the Bible or devotional will do wonders for your moods and anxiety. Also letting go of offenses and strife will help you continue to grow during prayer.
Ask God if there is anything hindering your prayer life and walk.
Be quick to repent (as hard as it is),
but avoid condemnation because through Jesus Christ we are free!

Get Real

That’s right--throw it all out there!
It’s not like God doesn’t know what you’re thinking.
We tend to wear masks in the world. Stop hiding.
Start talking to God openly if you are angry,
frustrated or becoming bitter towards your unanswered prayers.

Speak Positive Words over Your Life, Situation

Confess favor and wisdom over your situation.
Build yourself up. “Just like Daniel had favor and success I (name) will have favor and success”.
Again, find scripture that encourages you and confess it.
Praise God, although your emotions are screaming for you to “shut up”.
That’s right--throw it all out there! It’s not like God doesn’t know what you’re thinking.
We tend to wear masks in the world, start talking to God openly if you are angry,
frustrated or becoming bitter towards your unanswered prayers

source by JesusDaily


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