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Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

TRAPPED (Finding Freedom From Pornography)

Behind the stories :
There's a secret that many men labor to conceal. It's a secret that all age, socioeconomic, and racial boundaries. It's hiding an affair of the mind fueled by pornography. It starts with a quiet compromise. Soon, the shame and fear of being discovered, and the possibility of losing everything, including those they love, keep men from revealing their secret obsession. They're trapped and feel powerless to escape.
There is hope for someone caught in the trap of pornography. The purpose of this DVD is to expose the dangers of pornography and to offer help and way out for those caught by its seduction. You'll hear firsthand from a husband and wife and three others men who lived the nightmare and now work expose the lies of pornography and to help others by telling their stories.
Ini DVD aq yang di kasi sama RBC Indonesia gratis.

Hari ini baru ada waktu untuk nonton DVD ini. Bener-bener deh, sekali terjerat akan sangat sudah melepaskan diri, kita punya waktu sekarang untuk (bagi yang sudah terjerat) melepaskan diri. Butuh waktu dan kemauan. Kita berdoa dan minta di doakan, supaya terlepas dan jangan jatuh ke dalam dosa ini lagi.
Untuk yang belum terjerat. Kita sama-sama berdoa untuk tidak/jangan sampai jatuh kedalam dosa ini. Intinya komunikasi. Untuk yang telah berkeluarga, mintalah untuk pasangan masing-masing untuk saling terbuka. Jangan kita beri kesempatan bagi iblis untuk merasuki pikiran kita dengan hal-hal yang berbau pornografi dan membiarkan hidup berkembang dalam keluarga.

Di DVD ini ada beberapa features yang berguna untuk semua :
  • Ada dua sekuel cerita 
  • Diskusi 
  • Wawasan Bagi Pria
          Tentang ini berisi tentang berbagai macam pertanyaan yang sering timbul, yaitu :
  1. Mengapa Allah tidak menghapuskan hasrat saya terhadap pornografi? (Why doesn't God take away my desire to look at pornography?)
  2. Apakah saya sungguh ingin pulih? (Do I really want to get well?)
  3. Bagaimana saya tahu bahwa saya bermasalah dengan pornografi? (How do I know if I have a problem with looking at pornography?)
  4. Bisakah saya terbebas dari pornografi dengan usaha saya sendiri? Can I break free from pornography by my self?)
  5. Langkah apa yang bisa saya tempuh untuk mengatasi kecanduan pornografi? (What are some steps I can take to address my problem with pornography?)
  6. Apa dampak dari kecanduan pornografi terhadap istri? (What effect does my looking at pornography have on my wife?)
  7. Bagaimana membangun kembali rasa percaya istri yang telah hancur? (How can I begin to rebuild the trust I've broken with my wife?)
  8. Perlindungan atau pengamanan apa yang bisa saya pergunakan? (What protection or safeguards can I put in place?)
  9. Apa yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum memberi tahu pasangan saya? (What do I need to consider before telling my spouse?)
  10. Sebagai pria lajang, bagaimana kecanduan pornografi bisa mempengaruhi hubungan dengan calon pasangan saya? (As a single man, how can viewing pornography now effect my relationship with my future spouse?)
  11. Bagaimana kecanduan pornografi membentuk pandangan saya terhadap wanita? (How does looking at pornography shape my view of women?)
  12. Bagaimana pornografi membentuk pandangan saya terhadap maskulinitas diri saya sendiri? (How does looking at pornography shape my view of my own masculinity?)
  • Wawasan Bagi Wanita
          Sama seperti wawasan untuk pria, segmen ini membahas tentang berbagai pertanyaan yang mungkin timbul, seperti :
  1. Kenapa saya merasa begitu bingung? (Why do I feel so confused?)
  2. Apakah ada yang salah tentang diri saya? (Is there something wrong with me?)
  3. Apakah saya salah jika merasa sakit hati dan marah? (Am I wrong to feel hurt and angry?)
  4. Mungkinkah mengampuni dan mempercayai suami saya lagi? (Is it possible to forgive and trust my husband again?)
  5. Apakah hubungan saya dengan suami bisa dipulihkan? (Can my relationship with my husband be restored?)
  6. Bagaimana jika suami saya tak bersedia mengatasi masalahnya dengan pornografi? ( What if my husband is unwilling to address his problem with pornography?)
  7. Apakah saya memerlukan pertolongan untuk diri saya sendiri? (Do I need to get help for myself?)
  8. Apa kesalahan atau perangkap yang umumnya bisa menjebak saya? (What are some of the common mistakes or pitfalls that I can fall into?)
  9. Apa caya terbaik yangbisa saya lakukan untuk menolong suami saya bertanggung jawab? (Where is the best way I can help hold my husband accountable?)
  10. Dimana saya mendapatkan kedamaian dan rasa aman yang sejati? (Where do I look for ultimate peace and security?)

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

How to Get Unstuck

 "Then your light will break through like the dawn, and you will heal quickly. Your righteousness will go ahead of you, and the glory of the Lord will guard you from behind." 
Isaiah 58:8

Yesterday, on the way to church, I saw this car tailing a very slow car. He was obviously in a hurry but refused to get into the open lane next to him! I was so confounded! "Why doesn't he just change lanes?" But then I thought, Wow, I've been doing the same in my own life! There are things I so badly want, but I have been stubbornly trying to do things my own way, unwilling to get in God's lane. It's like I'm tailing a slow car in front of me, so frustrated, when there is a clear lane next to me, if I will just take it. Maybe you feel stuck too-praying for the same things for years, with zero progress.

Jesus understands that we get stuck sometimes, and He gave us the key to getting unstuck here in this story: A desperate man came to Jesus because his son was always trying to kill himself. He had actually come to Jesus' disciples earlier, but they couldn't do anything for him. So Jesus just spoke to what was troubling the boy, and he was immediately cured. But later, Jesus' disciples asked Him why they couldn't heal the boy. And what Jesus said is so interesting :
" Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." (Matthew 17:20-21)
Jesus told His disciples (us) that faith can move mountains, BUT He also said that some things will not change UNLESS you pray AND fast. So what is fasting? In a strictly food sense, fasting is not eating or drinking certain things, or at all. But in a spiritual sense, it's so much more. It's saying NO to something you normally do in order to say YES to something you really need. Fasting is the key that unlocks the doors that you can't seem to open. It's like if you have a can of milk and try to open it with a spoon, a fork, a knife: nothing works. What you need is a can-opener. Fasting is the can-opener to your answered prayer.

God Says Fasting Brings:

  • Salvation
  • Healing
  • Direction
  • Protection
  • Quick Answers to Prayer

My Story

There are a lot of things I want, but all of my efforts to find those things on my own are not working. And believe me, I've tried. So recently, when my pastor invited my church to fast together, I said yes, because quite frankly, I need help! So I have decided to give up shopping. I shop a lot. It might sound ridiculous to you, especially if you are a man; but shopping for me is a band-aid I use to comfort myself when I'm lonely or stressed; and it takes a lot of my free time. So instead, for the next 2 weeks, I am choosing to go without shopping in order to spend time with God instead. I'm going on walks to ask Him for what I need, listen to His thoughts, and tell Him mine. And I'm already feeling a difference.

What Are YOU Desperate For?

Is it healing in your family? Restoration in your marriage? Help in finances? I invite you to fast with me! What do you want to say NO to in order to say YES to what you need? Here's some examples of things you could fast: food, drinks, entertainment, negative thinking/talking, or empty social time to spend time with Him. God doesn't care about what you fast; He cares about you opening your heart to Him. Jesus said, "But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you." Matthew 6:17-18



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